Very few companies in the business of manufacturing granny flats along the Gold Coast and Brisbane areas allow for the creativity and individuality that Superior Granny Flats allows. Often when customers suggest changes to the layouts of the granny flats while in production they are turned down for various reasons. But that isn’t the case with Superior Granny Flats. When you come to us looking to craft a specific granny flat design, we want to make every effort to ensure that what you are paying for is exactly what you get! You don’t want to end up with a flat that is nothing like you want. You won’t use it, and you’ll be unsatisfied with your purchase. So when you order a housing accommodation, let your imagination go wild with the possibilities!
We have twelve different options to choose from that you can look at on our website. Each flat is uniquely designed to its own blueprint, but there are standardised items across the board that you can find within each housing unit. Each residence comes with at least one room, bathroom, and walk-in closet to ensure that whether it’s you or a valued guest staying in your flat, you’ll feel like you’ve never even left home.
Every flat is also equipped with wall, floor, and ceiling insulation and fitted with electrical to meet a six star rating for energy efficiency. Double-glazing is applied to all windows and doors are sealed to keep warm air in, and cool air out (or vice versa, depending on the season). We also have our friendly and knowledgeable professionals available to help install and hook up your flat to water and sewage lines, as well as gas and electricity. Now, these are just the basics that we apply to every home. The actual customisation begins here, where you can add on extra rooms, safety features and so much more!
There are a variety of granny flat designs in Brisbane and granny flat designs for the Gold Coast. It doesn’t matter where you’re living; you can have your flat, your way. Choose what colour your flat is, as well as what materials you would like used and the finishing you would prefer. No matter what you want or what your budget entails, we can help you design the granny flat of your dreams! Wanting to add on a laundry room or need to have special accommodations to assist with a disability or an elderly tenant? That’s no problem. We have everything you need and more.